We are in the midst of a late summer heat wave here in southern New Mexico. The temperature will be hovering in the mid 100’s for the next week so both human and beast are looking for anything that is cool: shade, air conditioning, a run through the sprinkler.
When it is this hot, it’s hard to think of warm, cozy things like pecan pie but we still find ways to eat our pecans. This morning, in search of something tasty for breakfast that required no heat whatsoever, the strawberry pecan parfait was born. The cool summer flavor of strawberries, a dollop of yogurt and a generous handful of chopped pecans was just the thing. So if you are suffering through your own heat wave in your part of the world, give this a try. You will not be sorry!
If you are up for a little heat, roasting the pecans would make this little breakfast treat all the more divine. I’ll try that when the temperatures hit 90.