Think cool thoughts

  We are in the midst of a late summer heat wave here in southern New Mexico.  The temperature will be hovering in the mid 100’s for the next week so both human and beast are looking for anything that is cool: shade, air conditioning, a run through the sprinkler.

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Spring is for Cute Babies

If I were a farmer who raised sheep or goats or cows or even chickens, my Facebook and blog would be full of cute baby animal pictures. I love baby animal pictures and confess to looking at my fair share of cute animals when I need a quick pick-me-up.  But

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Perfection or Maybe Not

You Don’t have to be Perfect, Just Good Enough There are quite a few of us in the world, myself included, who occasionally suffer from perfectionism. In most situations, striving for perfection is a good thing. I want the pecans that you, my valuable customer, receive to be perfect. I

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Farm life


Harvest is the highlight of our year on the farm, a culmination of all our hard work and careful tending of the trees…

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